ArtBits are your access key!


Why do you need an access key?

The art market is inequitable. If you look closely, you will see that only a few wealthy elites control the private art market, which is estimated to be worth more than $2 trillion. And beneath this few, lies a tangled web of dealers, curators, auction houses and anonymous agents.

Most of you do not have the money of billionaire collectors to participate in it. But now you do! The ArtBit is your ACCESS to enter the exclusive art market and become an art collector.

How? When you buy an ArtBit of a blue-chip painting worth millions, not only are you now able to own a blue-chip artwork but others can own it with you!

So, a Picasso worth $300,000.00 million is now owned by you and the others who bought the ArtBits to that Picasso, and no longer by 1 super rich player.

That is what is IN an ArtBit. Your access key but also your power to effect social change and break open a centuries old exclusive art market.

Anyone can now be an art collector because of you.
